My Favorite Thing, Maybe ft. Cali Thornhill Dewitt (#88)

This week we have a man who’s production exists outside of any single plane of work, it’s Cali Thornhill Dewitt y’all. He has run an independent record label, he makes clothes, worked as a nanny for Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, and of course, is an artist in his own right. He’s a hard guy to pin down, and he’s a very thoughtful man, so it was a pleasure to hear about his work in all of it’s forms and the reasoning behind it in his own words . We were indeed lucky enough to get a hold of him last week to talk about his new show, 29 Flags, which is currently hanging at Eighteen, the new sister gallery of our friends at V1 Gallery. it’s a heavy show, and it’s most certainly worth going to visit, especially because photos can’t do the install justice. We suggest you go on a quiet day and stand among the works he has made. Enjoy our talk!

All images courtesy Eighteen Gallery


Links for this episode:

Eighteen Gallery

Interstitial music for this episode kindly provided by:

Down With That by Twin Musicom (