Insistency ft. Kenneth Balfelt (#103)

Hello everybody, welcome back once again. We are back in the swing of things again here, and have a fantastic guest on the show today, Kenneth Balfelt. For those who don’t know, his practice is one which truly is social, and it’s really incredible. The level at which he engages with the world around him is inspiring to us not just as artists but as a humans. He’s our new superman. He works with marginalized groups, often in the public sphere, on a political, architectural and artistic level, and it’s often highly collaborative. But we’ll let him tell the story himself. Enjoy!

All images courtesy Kenneth Balfelt Team


Here is a short documentary about the recreation of The People's Park in Copenhagen

Links for this episode:

Kenneth Balfelt Team

Art as Social Practice – a critical investigation of works by Kenneth A. Balfelt - Book | Ebook

Copenhagen Art Week 24 Aug - 3 Sept

Interstitial music for this episode kindly provided by:

Down With That by Twin Musicom (